
It's Been a While

Hi there, I know it's been a long long while since I've posted anything on here, but life (and work) does tend to get in the way sometimes.

I have 5 growing grandkids now and I have moved! Not far from where I used to live, but I sold my house and bought another one that I like so much better. My dear Hootie kitty passed away several years ago, but I got another kitty (rescue) during the COVID lockdown of 2020. Miss Matilda (Tilly) is a real diva and a bit of a pill, but we get along just fine.

Miss Tilly (Diva Kitty)
She's so fluffy!

During lockdown, I did a whole bunch of freehand embroidery and am still embroidering away. I find it relaxing and I can do it while watching TV in the evenings after work.

One of my embroidered pieces

As mentioned earlier, I moved in March of this year and am still getting my quilting room set up (yes, I am slow). But, I bought a new sewing table and cutting table that I am eager to try out! I will post photos when everything is set up.

I hope all of you made it through 2020 and 2021 okay! I'm looking forward to some vacation time in the next few months. In November, I'm going to Chatanooga to attend the Lizzy & Erin Live Hickabilly Christmas event. I am meeting a long-time friend there and we are going to hang out. It will be exciting to travel a bit again. I will post photos after the event.

Cheers and Happy Quilting!

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