It's late, but I thought I would give you a long awaited update on the Pirate Quilt. The photos above show the last 3 blocks -- skull and cross bones, Kracken, and the Pirate. (Please note; these blocks need ironing). And as you can see, the Pirate only has a head, scarf, hat and arm at this point, so I have quite a bit of work ahead of me. This week though, I have the baby quilt to work on, so Mr. Pirate won't be getting another arm, face or clothes this week! The Kracken block replaces the block on the quilt pattern of the black widow spider and web (not sure what a spider has to do with pirates!). I made up the block myself, and with the material that I chose, thought it turned out quite well.
I made a trip to Hancock Fabrics today and got some neat things on clearance. Of course, I just went over to find some muslin (can you really have too much muslin on hand?!), and naturally I picked up a few other things I just couldn't resist! One of my finds was a couple of yards of cute fabric -- $3.95 a yard -- that will make a cute baby outfit for my little gbaby, and hopefully have some left over for quilting! Yes, the fabriholic in me definitely came out today! My advice to you sewers and quilters is that if you can find fabric for $2 or $3 a yard...get at least a couple of yards of it...especially if you really like it. I have kicked myself before for not buying fabric that I really liked at such a great price! (I know...!!)
The weather here is cold and dreary, and frankly, I am just a bit tired of it. On the other hand, it is great quilting weather! I have washed and dried all of the fabric for the baby quilt...we'll call it the Nautical Quilt (hint: it has a nautical theme)...so tomorrow I will spend the day ironing fabric and cutting some test blocks for it. Hubby reminded me tonight that I should cut test blocks just to see how everything will come together. I admit that on a previous quilt I failed to do that and pieced the whole top together...didn't like it, scrapped it and pieced another whole top! Whew...talk about a whole lot of extra work and wasted time! Yes, I see great value in test blocks now! Live and learn...
Thank you to my new blog followers! I hope I can entertain, instruct and inform you about sewing, quilting, embroidery and applique! Thank you for your comments too! Keep them coming!
Good night to all...and Happy Sewing and Quilting!
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