Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts


Finishing 2011 Projects...2012 Projects Coming Up!

Alien Baby Quilt

One of the cute little aliens!

Another cute little alien!

Youngest daughte and GBaby Lily!

GBaby loves cake pops!

Grandpa & GBaby Lily!

No, I have not dropped off the face of the some of you must have thought by now! My hours at work have increased so much that when I get home in the evenings I am a brain dead zombie...and that does not lead to beautiful sewing! So, hopefully this grueling work schedule will end soon and I will be back on a normal schedule and back to sewing, quilting and posting!

A couple of things before I begin on the projects...finished and not finished. First of all, my humble and delayed apologies to Bebas Enterprises LLC. In previous posts I had mentioned that I really love the Salem cutting mats, but unbeknownst to me, there were some legal issues with the folks who bought out Salem and...long story short, to get these great mats please go to to buy them, or call 1-888-209-4087! They are no longer called Salem, but are now Bebas cutting mats. They are truly the best cutting mats you can buy! Bebas Boutique also sells other items as well, so check it out!

So we are getting ready for my oldest daughter's wedding at the end of March. It is pretty much planned and we just have to wrap up the small details, but there are the wedding showers, etc in te next few months too. Anyway, I am sure that I will be somewhat busy with all of that, so if you don't see me posting here as much as last year, don't worry, I will try to check in at least once a month...hopefully more!

I did actually finish a baby quilt the first of December!! This one only took me about 7 months!! Hahahaha...mostly 7 months of not working on it...but you get the idea. I call it "Alien Baby Quilt" because it has some of the cutest little aliens on it (photos above). I really like the way it turned out and would love to keep it, but it was for a commission....and I do need the I will be delivering it next week! Hubby really likes it and is sort of hoping the buyer will decide not to buy it...uh...I don't think so!! But, thanks Hubby for liking my work so much!!

Still working on my youngest daughter's quilt...months later! Well, the good news is the top is done!!! (yeah!) I actually bought the backing at the Des Moines Quilt Show in October, just need to baste, quilt, bind and present!!

Also still working on embroidering kitty dish towels for the kitchen! I am on the second one now and these are actually coming right along. Oh...and for all of you embroiderers out there a couple of great embroidery websites...
This is Mary Corbet's website and she does some beautiful embroidery, also has tutorials online for various stitches and techniques...
This is Jenny Hart's website and features some very unique embroidery designs for her tag line states "This ain't your gramma's embroidery"...and it surely isn't.

Check out these great websites and get your embroidery on in 2012!

My 2012 projects...sigh...the list is long!! I am prepping my first t-shirt quilt for my future son-in-law...he is a firefighter, so the t-shirts are all his fire fighter, EMS shirts. I am hunting appropriate fabric right now, but have the t-shirts cut up and will get the fusible web put on shortly. There are two quilts I have ready to quilt or have started quilting, that I would dearly love to finish in the upcoming year! I also want to do a few of the Karen Eckmeier wall hangings ( this year. These are so great, fast and fun to do! I have done a few of them, but really want to do more, like the tropical one with palm trees for my living room! Fabric for a Dr. Seuss quilt is sitting in my sewing room calling out to be made into a quilt, as is a mountain of other fabric! Oh...and then there is the long neglected Pirate Quilt...yes, I am stuck on the last block and once that issue is resolved, I can finish the block and move on to finishing the quilt! What are your 2012 sewing/quilting/embroidery projects? Post your comments, so I can feel like I am not the only one with piles of projects!!

Oh, and have I mentioned my sweet GBaby Lily??! She is 26 months now (I know...time flies) and smart and beautiful too! We don't get to keep her near as often as we did when we were jobless, but still get to keep her about once a month. She has such a great sense of humor for a 2 year old...reminds me much of my youngest daughter at that age! What? Photos of her...why of course I will post photos of her!! Need you even ask?

Well, that's it for now! I have some tutorials in my head that I need to get onto this blog, so hopefully that will happen in the next month or so! Keep checking in here...and post your comments!

Happy Sewing and Quilting right into 2012!!!


Sew Happy News!

April and her fiance!!

Engaged!! :)

Happy Monday!

Well, some happy news to start off the week...our oldest daughter, April, got engaged last week!! So we have a spring wedding in the works!! We are very happy for her and quite excited too (Photo of the happy couple above.)! Of course it makes me start thinking about wedding quilts and all things white and satiny. And that reminds me...I have some other quilts to get cracking on if I am going to have time for everything! Still working on youngest daughter's quilt, but between the heat and being sick, progress has been delayed a bit.

For all of you dressmakers out there: I just started using Burda patterns this summer and am loving them! Hancock Fabrics had Burda patterns on sale last Thursday for $2.49/each, so I picked up about 10 or so!! Now that's the deal of the month!! Burda patterns are made in Germany, but they are very easy to sew and go together very nicely. A friend of mine who make all of her own clothes got me onto them. Oh, and did I mention, I also picked up some fabric for 70% off at Hancocks the other day!

I am counting down the days to the Des Moines AQS quilting show!! The show starts Sept 29 and I am thinking of making a list of the specific items I will be hunting for at the show. Hopefully, I will be able to also find some unusual things that quilt shops in the area don't have...that's always fun for treasure hunting! We have our reservations all made, so now it's just hurry up and wait!

At last we have been getting some rain here. Last nights storms...with hail... knocked out our phone service! But I think the long heat wave of summer is finally over and we can cool off now. Whew! That was one long hot summer with over 70 days of 100 degree heat...hottest on record here!

Well, short and sweet for today. This will be a busy week...we have some friends coming to visit from Japan, our daughter's engagement dinner, work and whatever sewing I can fit it!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!!

***And I finally got Plano Quilt Show Photos loaded up...See top of blog for slideshow! Enjoy!!***