Showing posts with label sewing green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sewing green. Show all posts


Ahh..Cooler Weather and Quilt Shows!!

GBaby Lilly...23 mos old now!

Well, it has been a while since my last post and I apologize! We have been suffering through one of the hottest summers on record with 69 days of 100+ degree temperatures...and finally, it has cooled off! Yeah! Now, we just need some rain!! :) The ground is so very dry and there are fires all around us...and we have a crack in the front yard large enough to lose a small child in! Rain...please!

I have a few projects I am working on currently. Still working on quilt for youngest daughter (due to the heat, I have been working on smaller hand projects, so I can stay in the cool part of my house); just started on, and hope to finish quickly, a baby quilt on commission; finished the Blue Work panels that I have been working on all summer; started embroidering a pair of dish towels for a gift; finished two blouses for myself...and I think that is it for now! 

My wonderful husband surprised me a couple of weeks ago with a new book..."Sewing Green" by Betz White! This is a great book! It has 25 projects in it, all reusing or repurposing. I cannot wait to get started on some of the projects!! Check out the book at !

Last month I attended the Plano Quilt Show here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. It is a smaller more local quilt show, but I really enjoyed it! I have about 1/2 of the photos posted to Snapfish and will try to get the link up on my blog so you can start looking at the amazing quilts! We are scheduled to go to the AQS Quilt Show in Des Moines, Iowa Sept 29-Oct 1, so I am getting very excited about that! I am going with my cousin, who is also a quilter, so we should have a ball!! I have never been to an AQS show before, so it will be a new experience. 

For those of you who do embroidery, I have found a great blog that I have been following and been inspired by. The blog is by Mary Corbet and I have picked up tips and learned about so many places to get new embroidery patterns and so many things! Check it out, you too will be a fan!


I had some questions sent in about Fusi Boo, so I wanted to address them. Thank you Laurel for asking!

1) Do you think Fusiboo produces a smoother surface on which to quilt?
2) Is it flexible enough to maneuver for machine quilting (i.e. rolling and holding with quilt clips, folding, or similar)?
3) Does the bond ever give way with "too much" handling?

First of all, a smoother surface to quilt on? I don't think it is smoother than a non-fusible batting, but I don't find it lumpy or difficult to quilt on at all. It is actually quite smooth for a fusible batting. And when you start working with fusible battings, you will see what I mean.

Although the fusible battings are/can be quite stiff, I think Fusi Boo is the least stiff of all of the ones I have tried, and yes it is flexible enough to maneuver for home machine quilting! You have to understand that due to the fusability of fusible battings, they are quite stiff to work with, but some are ridiculously stiff! Fusi Boo, while stiff, is not too stiff to work with, and I have been very successful in working with it...which is why I am a big fan! You do have to remember when you are done with the quilt you MUST wash out the fusible part, which is done simply by running it in a cold water wash and drying it. After that it is as soft and smooth as any other quilt!

I have never had the bond give way with too much handling, and the bond is very even throughout. I have used other fusible battings before and they don't have an even bond all over the surface (i.e., very good hold over all, but some spots just don't stick). I think that is why I am so impressed with the Fusi Boo, it adheres very evenly over all, as long as you follow the simple instructions, it sticks well throughout the process. Again, you have to bear in mind that working with fusible battings vs. non-fusible battings is a totally different experience. I have heard some people say they won't work with them at all, but for me, fusible battings -- specifically Fusi Boo-- is so time saving and worth the money to me!

I hope I have answered your questions, Laurel! Please post your comments if you have any more questions!

That's it for now. I have a tool review coming soon, so check back! I will also post Des Moines quilt show photos in October!!

Oh...and our GBaby is 23 months old today!! :) Photos above!

Happy Sewing and Quilting...stay cool y'all!!


Quilt Update

Baby quilt

Close up...great detail in the fabric!

Definitely a "boy" quilt!

Close up of the borders

Back of baby quilt

My version of "Water for Elephants"!!

The wind is blowing and the temperature is rising...happy spring! Okay, I admit that I am a little tired of this wind! We have lost a few shingles off the roof in the strong wind gusts, so hoping the wind dies down just a bit. As for the temperature, well, let's just say 80s are plenty hot for me and today is supposed to be in the low 90s! :o

Quilt update: Whew, finally finished the baby quilt I was working on and got it delivered! (photos above) It was a hit with the parents and grandparents! The newborn baby had no comment since he slept most of the time we were visiting! So I have been back on the wedding quilt...and time is ticking down! I am having motivational issues with this one and need to push myself harder to get it done in time! Here's hoping that I can get enthused about it again and get er done!! To try to speed the process along, I will either use Fusi Boo batting or try using a basting spray...I will let you know which one I use and how it works out.

I am still working on the Blue work embroidery project, and apologize for not posting photos of it yet...I have to rinse out and iron the panel that I have completed and then will photograph it for you.

It is still spring cleaning time, so I am going to have to get back to cleaning out closets...which is actually pretty exciting for me now! Why?! Because I am thinking about all of the great quilt fabric I will have when I finish cleaning out and cutting up old clothes!! Also, I am rescuing zippers and button jar is filling up and you would be amazed at how many zippers you can rescue and reuse! :) Sewing green is so much fun!

My Janome is running great...except for the fact that I have broken 4 needles so far!! I don't usually break that many needles in 2 years! I have decided that I am used to my industrial Singer, which can handle more thicknesses of material at a time, and have to watch out for that with the is not quite the beast that the Singer is. Overall, I am still loving my Janome!! Fast and easy bobbin the stitch regulator (which is something this wild, go fast quilter needs)...the needle threader is my new best friend and I am no longer noise polluting, because the Janome is super quiet!! :)

Well, time to get back to tackling this wedding quilt! Have you ever worked on a project that you had to muster up all of your will to get it finished?? Tell me about it!! I need your inspiring stories to keep me going!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!


Spring Sewing and Cleaning...

"Redwork Rhymes" that I am doing in Bluework!
Well, Spring is here! Seems like we had a long winter, so I am glad that spring is here...even though it is a chilly 54 degrees and rainy today, it will be back in the 80s by the weekend!

What projects do you have going for spring? I mean...besides cleaning? Yep...I have started spring cleaning around here too. The other day I started cleaning out my closet...trying to get rid of things that don't fit anymore or are just worn out. I set aside things to go to Goodwill and things that would make good quilt fabric. Then I sat and watched movies while I took the potential quilt fabric clothes and took off buttons, cut out seams, cut off sleeves and collars and made stacks of good usable quilt that is sewing green! You don't realize just how many clothes in your closet you can reuse and recycle into quilt fabric!! I have to was pretty exhilarating! I now have a button jar going and some zippers to reuse also! Oh...and I had several blouses that had embroidery on them, so I cut out the embroidery to incorporate into other clothing that I will make for summer!!

Right now, I am working on a double nine patch wedding quilt...the colors are sage green, black and white. I didn't realize when I chose this pattern just how tedious it would be to put the nine patch blocks, the pieces are 1 1/2" x 1 1/2"...pretty darn small! I have 10 larger blocks put together now and need 25 in I have a way to go, but am making good progress!

And suddenly, I had the urge to embroider! So, now I am also working on an embroidery quilt project. The pattern is called "Redwork Rhymes", but I am doing Bluework instead...just because I like bluework better than redwork! There are 3 panels with 4 blocks each (for a total of 12 embroidered blocks)...I am nearly done with 1 panel. It is going pretty quickly and I try to work on it every evening during our TV watching. I will post photos as I get the panels done. Although, I am not sure what fabric I will use in the quilt...I know it will be mostly blue!!

Another baby quilt will be in the works just as soon as I can find some motorcycle fabric for a baby!! Some friends of ours are having their second son and he will be born on April I am hoping to find motorcycle fabric very soon and get that quilt a hurry!!

Well, that's it for now! Time to head back to the sewing room!! Let me know what your spring projects are...and share your sewing green ideas here!!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!


Dallas Quilt Show 2011

Yesterday hubby and I went to the Dallas Quilt Show and saw some beautiful quilts! Please view my photos at the link above or in the upper left corner of this blog. They are loaded into Snapfish, so if you don't have an account, just register for free and then view the photos. Especially check out the Best of Show was all hand pieced, embroidered and quilted!! Now that was a truly amazing quilt!!

I always get excited to go to quilt shows, because that is where I get inspired and my quilting urge gets renewed! I especially enjoy the Junior category for quilters 18 and under...very inspiring to know that our younger generations will carry on the quilting tradition!!

One quilt stood out for me, only because they were truly sewing green...check out the quilt made out of Lay's potato chip bags!! Now that is re-purposing at its finest!! Also, it made me laugh! :)

Off to my sewing room! Enjoy the photos of the Dallas Quilt Show!!

Happy Sewing and Quilting! :)


Jammin' with My Janome...

Yes, I have been jammin' with my Janome...because I can't really call it sewing on such a fun machine! I was putting together a quilt top for a baby gift (for the baby born in December!) and am still amazed at how quiet the Janome is...I just can't get over it! One of my favorite features is the thread cutter on the machine! I know...I is a simple thing, but I believe that I am saving lots of thread by using it. And, of course, using less thread means that I am sewing green! The quilt top that I put together today is a scrap again, sewing green by using up smaller scraps.

The weather...after the past two weeks deep freeze...was almost balmy today. We are supposed to get up into the 70s by Wednesday, and....cross your will stay that way for a bit. Still nice quilting weather, but makes me think about other sewing and embroidery projects.

That's it for today...good night..or good morning all!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!


Texanese Quilt Done and More Winter Fun!

"Texanese" Quilt

Boot Block

Texas block

Prickly Pear block (the original Yellow Rose of TX)

Longhorn block

Back of "Texanese" Quilt

At last the "Texanese" (Texas themed with Asian fabrics) is done, delivered and Japan-bound! Photos are above..enjoy! For some reason this quilt was a tough assignment and I wasn't altogether pleased with during the designing, piecing, quilting process, however, it turned out okay...I think! My customer seemed very happy and excited about I will consider it a success. (BTW...I used Fusi Boo fusible batting on this wall favorite fusible batting!) You might notice that I used smaller Snowball blocks in this wallhanging!! Now onto the next project!!

There are several quilts in my sewing room that need quilting, so I may take some time to just work on them...after I finish another baby quilt for a friend of mine...a little late, as her son was born in December!! Oops! Oh well, as long as he gets it before he is college bound...right?! :) I also have quilts rolling around in my head which I need to produce so they can free up space in my brain. Ah....and then there is the Pirate Quilt which needs much more work to do for me!!

When I was hand sewing the binding on the Texanese quilt (I always do my hand sewing in front of the TV), I saw a fascinating show on PBS called "b organic" and I was instantly hooked. Their website is and they have projects, how-to videos and all sorts of things. Check out the website and let me know what you think!! The episode I caught was how to repurpose old sweaters, and how to make garden chaps...I know!...I was really excited!! Talk about sewing green...this show is a must see for all of you that love to sew green! Plus, the hostess of the show was sewing on an industrial Singer very much like the one I use!! So you see, this show has all kinds of things that got me excited! I plan on trying some of the projects from the show, so I will keep you posted.

Oh...another one of my projects is to make a soft doll and doll clothes for my GBaby Lily. I have everything I need to get started, so hopefully I can post photos soon. I have never made soft dolls before, but I am intrigued by how to make them and how they many different kinds with so many different looks!

It has been a while since I have done embroidery and I am thinking the doll project will help me get back into embroidery. I have been missing it. Again...all sorts of projects in my sewing room that require embroidery!!

The weather has been really nice the past few days, but it looks like we are in for another freezing spell for the rest of the week...maybe even snow! I am not a fan of the cold or snow, but I like the fact that it is the best quilting weather!!

That's it for now! What are you working on this winter? Have you finished any quilts in 2011?? Post comments to me with the links where your quilt or embroidery projects reside!! I love to look at your work!!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!

GBaby Lily dressed to party!!


Snowball Blizzard!

Snowball quilt
Butterflies on Snowball quilt

Back of Snowball quilt

Close up shot

Well, I delievered the Snowball quilt (photos above) yesterday to a very happy customer! Yeah...I love those happy customers! Since the snowball quilt was a hit, and I really enjoyed making the snowball blocks, I am currently making a snowball's a snowball blizzard in my sewing room!! This snowball wallhanging has been rather interesting to client wanted "a Texas themed wallhanging using Asian fabrics"...oookay...!! I had to really put on my thinking and design cap, and consult my graphics designer hubby to come up with this one!! The top is done, now the quilting is underway on this unusual wallhanging. I used 4 1/2 inch squares combined with 1 1/2" squares to make the snowballs...yes, I have lots of tiny little triangles left over. I did some hand applique and used some Texas graphics and fabrics and voila...a wallhanging that is going to Japan!! Whew! Photos will be posted before delivery.

There are some projects I am itching to make, so I am hoping after the Japan-bound wallhanging is delivered I can begin some of my long awaited projects. One project is to make a soft doll for my granddaughter...I actually found a cute pattern in a quilt magazine and I have gathered all of the necessary supplies to put it together! My youngest daughter is due a quilt from me...fabric is gathered, now I just need to design a quilt and put it together...poof...a quilt will be born!!

Lately, hubby and I have been in "cleanout" mode...trying to clean out closets, etc. I have found so much good fabric this way! I have clothes to cut up and stash...yippee...more fabric!! :) Actually, I have also decided that a button in order. Do you realize how many buttons you can recycle...or repurpose from old clothing?? I really hadn't thought about it until I started cutting clothing up for fabric. You can actually cut the zippers out and repurpose those. I have seen those great flower brooches that you make with zippers and might give it a try! Sewing green...saving the gotta love it! Have you found any great fabric sources? I love to repurpose and reuse just makes me feel good!

Now it's time to get to quilting!! What projects have you completed in 2011? (I know its early in the year, but maybe you started something last year and finished this year!!) What are you currently working on?

Happy Sewing and Quilting!

More butterflies!!


Snowballs Without Snow and a Little Japanese

Japanese themed wall hanging

Our GBaby dressed up

Back of Japanese wall hanging
Butterflies on Japanese wall hanging
Our sweet little GBaby!!

Gosh, I am soooo sorry that I have not blogged for so long! I have been fairly busy...trying to start a business or two...keeping our little GBaby, who is growing fast...and quilting! Can't belive that 2011 is nearly upon us, and I have so many things to finish for 2010!

Currently, I am making a quilt using the snowball block. This is a block I have been wanting to try out for a while now, so I am pretty excited about how it is turning out! It has been fun to make, and I think the quilt is going to turn out really nice. Here is a link to a snowball block tutorial I hope you enjoy making these blocks as much as I have!!

The Japanese theme wall hanging is finished and delivered and another one is on order for February! The Japanese wall hanging (photos above) was a real challenge for me...but one that I really enjoyed in the end. Any time you challenge yourself to do something different, you end up learning so much in the process. For the wall hanging I used an art quilt pattern, but didn't follow it exactly. I tend to use patterns as a starting point and then make the project my own by doing it just a little (or a lot) differently. Are you a strict pattern follower? Or do you use the pattern as a basis for your own designs?

Our GBaby is growing quickly! Our kids are all grown so we tend to forget just how quickly they grow!! She has molars, top and bottom, and can chew most things fairly well now. She is getting tall too!! We just delight in her and love to keep her.

A friend of mine just had a baby boy, so on my design board is a baby if I can just find the time to put it on my sewing machine!! The quilt is just a patchwork quilt using 5 inch blocks...a charm quilt of sorts. These are fast and easy to make...and use up lots of scraps!

Before we have discussed "sewing green" and lately I have seen a lot of articles on the subject. I get so excited to read these articles, because reusing and repurposing things is a great way to save money, and the environment. Recently, I bought several twin and queen size flat sheets (new and unopened) at a thrift store for $5 each. Sheets are a great source of large amounts of fabric and can be used as quilt backs, cut up for blocks, or embroider a nice design on the sheet and give it as a gift. You can typically find sheets still in the package at thrift stores for a very reasonable price. Thrift stores are a great place to find other sources of towels, duvet covers, bedspreads, long gowns, etc. One article told of a bride who had and all "green" wedding...she made her wedding dress out of a duvet cover, and her decorations were all made of repurposed materials! Wow! How are you "sewing green"? Have you found any good ways to repurpose or recycle everyday materials?

Well, back to the sewing room! I have lots to do, and fortunately it is cold and rainy outside, so it is a great time to be inside!!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!!


Fast and Furiously to the Finish!

Close up of panel quilt.

Panel Quilt finished a few weeks ago

Back of panel quilt. Love this batik!

Our GBaby trying on Nana's glasses!

Whew! It has been a busy last few weeks, and I am still working fast and furiously trying to get a couple of quilts done that are due this month. I am working on a blue/gray/white one and an Asian wall hanging. I would ponder the beauty of this last one, however, I haven't the time.

Once again I was not able to attend the Houston International Quilt either?! Well, not to worry! I just spent a pleasant half hour reviewing photos of the winners from this year's show... and you can too!

Hubby and I had a plumbing leak a couple of weeks ago, which forced us to purge some things from one of our closets...mine! Anyway, despite the wet dog smell of the carpet until it was dried out, it was good that it made us look at things that had been stored away for years...things we didn't even realize we had, and things we knew we had...somewhere. We have vowed to finish cleaning out the closets, and as a bonus I have found several items of clothing I plan to cut up and use in quilts....sewing green! My daughter-in-law also gave me clothes from our little granddaughter's first year (I know...time has gone by so fast!) to make into a quilt. That will be a fun project...when I have the time!

Time to quilt! And, is there ever not a good time to quilt?!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!


Quilting Marathon

Lily rides Grandpa!

Lily in the dirt!

Well, yesterday I had a quilting marathon day! I quilted for 6 hours, pretty much non-stop!! But, I got a twin size quilt all quilted, made the binding and sewed it I just have to hand sew the back of the binding on...and voila...another quilt to deliver! But man, do my shoulders hurt today!! Note to self...when doing a quilt marathon, get up and walk around more and exercise shoulders!!  I have two more quilts to finish in fairly short order, so I know that more quilt marathon days are in my future. How many of you have quilt marathon days?

I started cleaning out my closet the other day and decided to only donate clothing that I couldn't cut up for quilt fabric...sewing green! Now where to store the clothes that will be kept for this purpose??! We are trying to clear our house of things we don't need or don't use. This is going to be a long process for sure!

My what a big stick you have!

So, our little GBaby Lily turned 1 this week! Seems like she was JUST born!! Anyway, we took her and her parents, our youngest daughter and her friend to the park for a picnic (see photos above). We had a great time and despite her bath previous to the picnic, Lily played in the dirt and got rather dirty!! Oh well...babies wash up pretty well!! :)

I am having trouble designing a quilt for a customer...Japanese theme...any suggestions or comments??!! Help!! The quilt is due in November, so it feels like I am running out of time....!!

Lately, I have had an urge to embroider and have a project or two waiting in the wings. Perhaps I will wait for really cold weather to start my embroidery projects?! Just seems like it has been a while since I have done any real serious embroidery...even though I have combined some embroidery in a few quilt projects.

Well, time to get back in the sewing room!! It's beautiful maybe I will get outside today.

Happy Sewing and Quilting!!

Such a sweet face!


Two Quilts Delivered and More to go...

Ouchita National Forest
Satisfied Customer!! :)

Back fabric is called "Punk Princess"

Pinwheels & butterflies

Batik Quilt - Railfence pattern

Border fun!

Baby Lily-almost 1!
Well, it has been a while since my last post, but I have been pretty busy! Lots to tell this bear with me.

We have been keeping our GBaby some and now that she is walking...well, let me just say, Whew! Chasing her around is a full time job when we keep her, but she is just too cute for words. She will be a year old on Tuesday...she has 8 or 9 teeth...she says "Hi" a lot...and she is on the move! It has truly been a blessed year since she was born.

I did deliver 2 quilts yesterday to, what I believe, is a happy customer! (Photos above) The batik quilt was the more fun of the two quilts...went a little nuts on the border quilting, but had so much fun with it. Currently, I am working on another quilt for delivery soon...and then have 3 more lined up!

Oh...and I almost forgot the best news! Hubby bought me a new Janome sewing machine!! Yep...It is one that has 150 stitches!! I haven't really gotten a chance to play much with it yet, since I have so many quilts to get done...but soon I will have a "play" day!! I am just dreaming about all that I can do with it!!

We have discussed sewing green here before, and my thoughts tend to take me to how to sew green quite often. I am not sure if this is due to the many trips hubby and I take to thrift stores, or the poor economy, but my mind is all over the subject. What are your thoughts on sewing green? How do you sew green? Because I just got a new sewing machine, I will be selling one of my older I consider this part of sewing green because someone else can get many more years out of using my old machine, instead of it ending up in a landfill. Do you follow my thought process on this one? So, I was thinking of all of the other things in our lives that can be recycled...clothes, shoes, plastic, paper, etc...and was wondering how many of you recycle or repurpose. I saw a sign in an antique mall today that said "Shop vintage and recycle" appropriate! I will delve more into the sewing green aspect in a later give me your thoughts on the subject.

We went camping with our daughters a couple of weeks ago...gotta love fall camping...and it was just gorgeous. We had fun and drove through the beautiful Ouchita National Forest in who knew Oklahoma was so beautiful!!

Well, it's getting late, so I will sign off for now.

Happy Sewing and Quilting!


Quilting Thoughts

Just thought I would take a quilting break! I have been going gang busters on a commission quilt...trying to get it finished. There is so much joy for me in getting a quilt finished...also a lot of relief! I am always so happy when I can start removing the basting pins and start making the binding. Piecing and binding are my favorite parts of the whole quilting proces...except for maybe shopping for fabric!! What is your favorite part of the quilting process??

I forgot to mention in yesterday's post about last week's thrift store run. In a previous post, discussing "sewing green", I had listed shopping in thrift stores as a great way to purchase fabric for cheap. Well, last week I found a 100% linen long dress for $4, minus hubby's senior discount of 25% = $3! I am talking about 2 yards of nice linen fabric for $3!!

What is all my excitement about? Linen fabric, even with a discount, costs anywhere from $5/yd to $50/yd. I have several projects which require linen fabric, so this find was like gold to me! So don't forget to check your local thrift stores for great fabric finds, especially for specialty or upscale fabrics that are expensive in the fabric store! For instance, a long women's evening gown made of silk or some other specialty fabric will yield anywhere from 2-5 yds of very nice fabric for a fraction of what it would cost in the fabric store. Most thrift stores offer a senior discount one day a week...don't be shy, just ask for the discount when checking might be pleasantly surprised. Men's shirts, dress, casual or Hawaiian, are excellent to buy at thrift stores....they will generally cost between $2-5 each, but will yield between 1-2 yds of fabric a piece (depending on size...I say get the XL or XXL...same price, more fabric). The fabric can be used in any sewing or quilting project. Save money and sew green! Post your comments about other green sewing tips!

Well, back to the sewing room folks! It's been a nice break!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!


Ah Springtime...

Yes, it's definitely springtime...the birds are are blooming...and the storms and tornadoes are in full swing! Last weekend, hubby and I went camping in Oklahoma and got back on Sunday night, just a day before the tornadoes hit there!! Whew!

It really was gorgeous when we were camping...temps were very nice! We went on a nature hike and saw this 100 year old pine tree...12 1/2 feet in diameter and 72 feet tall!! (see photo above) It was truly spectacular! A lot of flowers were in bloom (see photo above), and we saw cardinals and bluejays too! Lots of butterflies and some dragonflies were out catching some sun. The nights were chilly though!

Still working on Purple Quilt!! The top is finished and I have a back almost ready to go...just a bit of ironing and then on to the basting (not my fav part!). I am always happy to get a quilt basted and then on to the quilting part. For Purple Quilt I have bought some Fairfield Fusi Boo batting...just apply a hot iron to it and voila...quilt is basted! ( may not be quite that easy...but almost!).  This batting is cotton and bamboo...and as you all know, bamboo batting is a "green" product because it is sustainable. I have used fusible battings in the past, and like them very much, but this will be the first time for Fusi Boo, so a product review will be forthcoming!!

Before hubby and I went camping, I did manage to finish my "Camping" quilt. It is a patchwork quilt with large patches, an old sheet for the back and minimal quilting. I did not bind this quilt, just used the sew and flip method to make it fast and easy. It was very comfy and fit the pop up bunk perfectly!! (photos will be forthcoming)

This week I have had little time to quilt, but plan to work on Purple Quilt today and hopefully get that month!! As I have two more commission quilts waiting for me to start, I had better get a move on!!

That's it for today! Let me know what you are working on! For next time, I would like to know how many of you embroider??!! I have some embroidery projects and will discuss embroidery soon.

Happy Sewing and Quilting!!


Batting Review and Other Ramblings

Good evening all! The weather has been just beautiful this weekend, so I am hoping it persists. I love the nice temperatures and being able to open the windows and air out the house. Today, I have a review for you! (Exciting, right?!) And just some other things to chat about.

Today's review is on Bamboo Batting...specifically, Fairfield Bamboo Batting. I used the Fairfield Bamboo Batting for the first time in a baby quilt last week, and I have to tell you that this is probably THE most wonderful batting I have ever used! It is 50% Bamboo/50% Organic Cotton Batting, and has a soft, very silky feel. It is so easy to work with for machine quilting. It is light to medium in weight, about 3/16 of an inch thick, and can be quilted up to 8” apart. You can buy prepackaged, craft, twin, or full/queen sizes. I found it at my local Joann’s store, but you can buy it online as well at You can sew even Greener when using this batting because Fairfield donates a portion of the proceeds from their bamboo battings to support environmental and ecological initiatives. I just can't say enough good things about this batting, and will be buying more in the very near future!

This next week, for me, brings sewing and quilting projects. There is a lap quilt for a client to start and a Renaissance shirt for hubby to sew (this has been a "back burner" project for way too long now, so time to get it done!). Also, I have some cute fabric and patterns to sew little summer outfits for our GBaby Lily!! I am going to try to fit the sewing in around the quilting, as I have 3 client quilts on my plate right now. So, despite not having being employed, I seem to stay pretty busy! Hubby will be out during the day working the part-time temp job, which he was laid off from....and then they decided they needed him again!! Yeah!

The AQS Paducah Quilt Show is this month...wish we could go! But, it should be exciting to see the quilts online that win!! Always inspiring to see what other quilters do!!

Oh...we went to see "Alice in Wonderland" for the second time last night. I have really enjoyed the movie so much, and the costumes are absolutely wonderful!! Check out this site... for more on the costumes! I haven't seen any sewing patterns out for the costumes...yet...but I am sure they will be coming out. If you have seen any patterns, please let me know!!

Hope your week is starting off well! Happy Sewing and Quilting!!


Snow, Reviews and Great Quilting Weather!

Woke up to snow this morning!!

Ah yes, we woke up to snow this morning and it is still coming down! Now, I realize that for you folks in the North and East who are getting record amounts of snowfall, snow photos are like the last thing you want to see. But, for us Southern folk who don't see snow too often, this was a beautiful sight to see! Of course, we will be sick of it by nightfall when the roads start to ice over and everyone is having wrecks, but in the meanwhile...enjoy!

I wanted to do a product review today for Mary Ellen's Best Press (  This is a nice alternative to starch, and comes in different scents. I LOVE using Mary Ellen's Best Press when quilting or appliquing! This product is also environmentally friendly...and works in nicely if you are "sewing green". You can also buy larger refill bottles and refill the spray bottle...which also makes it an environmentally friendly product. 

Unlike regular spray starch, this product does not flake or clog. It is an amazing product for anyone who sews, or anyone who irons! I even use it when I iron hubby's shirts (you know...those rare times!).  My favorite scent is Lavender Fields, especially when I am quilting baby quilts, since lavender is very relaxing...helps me and the baby!! Right now Hancocks has it on sale for $4.00 (in store only).
I have to get back to working on this latest baby quilt...which, by the way, I am not liking right now. The colors are boring me and the pattern doesn't seem to be working too well. So, back to the quilting room to figure out how to make it work!

So that's it for this snowy day! Stay warm and dry and just sew!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!