Showing posts with label Fusi Boo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fusi Boo. Show all posts


Quilting as Therapy

Why do you quilt? What do you get out of quilting? Quilting is certainly not an inexpensive least not anymore. So why do you quilt? 

I was thinking back to the reasons why I started quilting, and there were several, but mainly relaxation. Yes, quilting, with all of its frustrations, is very relaxing to me and great therapy! My aunt was a fiber artist for most of her life, and she was a very gentle and relaxed soul. I believe it was because she worked with textiles and took great comfort in the feel of fabric. Have I mentioned lately that I love fabric?! :) 

Since I started quilting again after my husband's death, I am finding that relaxation factor, but it is also quite energizing. It gets my mind going and I start designing quilts in my head. I get a feeling of accomplishment and the sense that I am doing something positive in my life. Even just sewing something as simple as a baby burp cloth gives me great satisfaction and relaxation. Most of us work at jobs that, well let's face it, are not terribly exciting, so having a hobby that is fulfilling and relaxing at the same time is priceless. And, as I have discussed here before, quilting and sewing can be as expensive or inexpensive as you want it to be, because you can recycle/re-purpose fabric from old clothes, sheets, blankets and a variety of things. Buying quilt fabric from a quilt shop is a lot of fun...but that's where quilting and sewing gets expensive. Shopping for fabric yardage at a thrift store is fun and challenging...not to mention more cost effective and "green". So, why do you quilt?

And now for a change of subject...Embroidery

I'm so excited! I ordered some embroidery transfer patterns from one of my favorite quilt sites and got them in the mail yesterday! They were having a 1/2 off embroidery pattern sale, so I took full advantage! Here is a pic of what I got!

Embroidery Patterns

Baby Quilt

I am making progress on the baby quilt...the quilting is nearly finished and I can't wait to start on the binding! I am posting photos, so you can see the back and binding fabric I chose for this quilt. The back is a black polka dot print...and normally I wouldn't use a black back for a baby quilt, but for this quilt I challenged myself to use fabric, thread and batting that I already have and buy nothing new. So far, so good! This quilt is all from my stash! I believe I will be able to finish it without having to buy anything for it. stash got smaller when I moved, but my sewing room is still too full! Oh...and also, I had a piece of Fusi Boo batting ( large enough for the quilt, so I saved myself a lot of baste pinning and time!
Yellow is the binding; Black is the back

Quilted top
This weekend I will start on a crib skirt for my daughter's nursery...she is having a baby boy, and wants a crib skirt, quilt and matching pillows. Then I will make all of that for my daughter in law, who is having another baby girl! Yes, I have my work cut out for me...and I couldn't be more excited!

More later...
Happy Sewing and Quilting!


Ahh..Cooler Weather and Quilt Shows!!

GBaby Lilly...23 mos old now!

Well, it has been a while since my last post and I apologize! We have been suffering through one of the hottest summers on record with 69 days of 100+ degree temperatures...and finally, it has cooled off! Yeah! Now, we just need some rain!! :) The ground is so very dry and there are fires all around us...and we have a crack in the front yard large enough to lose a small child in! Rain...please!

I have a few projects I am working on currently. Still working on quilt for youngest daughter (due to the heat, I have been working on smaller hand projects, so I can stay in the cool part of my house); just started on, and hope to finish quickly, a baby quilt on commission; finished the Blue Work panels that I have been working on all summer; started embroidering a pair of dish towels for a gift; finished two blouses for myself...and I think that is it for now! 

My wonderful husband surprised me a couple of weeks ago with a new book..."Sewing Green" by Betz White! This is a great book! It has 25 projects in it, all reusing or repurposing. I cannot wait to get started on some of the projects!! Check out the book at !

Last month I attended the Plano Quilt Show here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. It is a smaller more local quilt show, but I really enjoyed it! I have about 1/2 of the photos posted to Snapfish and will try to get the link up on my blog so you can start looking at the amazing quilts! We are scheduled to go to the AQS Quilt Show in Des Moines, Iowa Sept 29-Oct 1, so I am getting very excited about that! I am going with my cousin, who is also a quilter, so we should have a ball!! I have never been to an AQS show before, so it will be a new experience. 

For those of you who do embroidery, I have found a great blog that I have been following and been inspired by. The blog is by Mary Corbet and I have picked up tips and learned about so many places to get new embroidery patterns and so many things! Check it out, you too will be a fan!


I had some questions sent in about Fusi Boo, so I wanted to address them. Thank you Laurel for asking!

1) Do you think Fusiboo produces a smoother surface on which to quilt?
2) Is it flexible enough to maneuver for machine quilting (i.e. rolling and holding with quilt clips, folding, or similar)?
3) Does the bond ever give way with "too much" handling?

First of all, a smoother surface to quilt on? I don't think it is smoother than a non-fusible batting, but I don't find it lumpy or difficult to quilt on at all. It is actually quite smooth for a fusible batting. And when you start working with fusible battings, you will see what I mean.

Although the fusible battings are/can be quite stiff, I think Fusi Boo is the least stiff of all of the ones I have tried, and yes it is flexible enough to maneuver for home machine quilting! You have to understand that due to the fusability of fusible battings, they are quite stiff to work with, but some are ridiculously stiff! Fusi Boo, while stiff, is not too stiff to work with, and I have been very successful in working with it...which is why I am a big fan! You do have to remember when you are done with the quilt you MUST wash out the fusible part, which is done simply by running it in a cold water wash and drying it. After that it is as soft and smooth as any other quilt!

I have never had the bond give way with too much handling, and the bond is very even throughout. I have used other fusible battings before and they don't have an even bond all over the surface (i.e., very good hold over all, but some spots just don't stick). I think that is why I am so impressed with the Fusi Boo, it adheres very evenly over all, as long as you follow the simple instructions, it sticks well throughout the process. Again, you have to bear in mind that working with fusible battings vs. non-fusible battings is a totally different experience. I have heard some people say they won't work with them at all, but for me, fusible battings -- specifically Fusi Boo-- is so time saving and worth the money to me!

I hope I have answered your questions, Laurel! Please post your comments if you have any more questions!

That's it for now. I have a tool review coming soon, so check back! I will also post Des Moines quilt show photos in October!!

Oh...and our GBaby is 23 months old today!! :) Photos above!

Happy Sewing and Quilting...stay cool y'all!!


Texanese Quilt Done and More Winter Fun!

"Texanese" Quilt

Boot Block

Texas block

Prickly Pear block (the original Yellow Rose of TX)

Longhorn block

Back of "Texanese" Quilt

At last the "Texanese" (Texas themed with Asian fabrics) is done, delivered and Japan-bound! Photos are above..enjoy! For some reason this quilt was a tough assignment and I wasn't altogether pleased with during the designing, piecing, quilting process, however, it turned out okay...I think! My customer seemed very happy and excited about I will consider it a success. (BTW...I used Fusi Boo fusible batting on this wall favorite fusible batting!) You might notice that I used smaller Snowball blocks in this wallhanging!! Now onto the next project!!

There are several quilts in my sewing room that need quilting, so I may take some time to just work on them...after I finish another baby quilt for a friend of mine...a little late, as her son was born in December!! Oops! Oh well, as long as he gets it before he is college bound...right?! :) I also have quilts rolling around in my head which I need to produce so they can free up space in my brain. Ah....and then there is the Pirate Quilt which needs much more work to do for me!!

When I was hand sewing the binding on the Texanese quilt (I always do my hand sewing in front of the TV), I saw a fascinating show on PBS called "b organic" and I was instantly hooked. Their website is and they have projects, how-to videos and all sorts of things. Check out the website and let me know what you think!! The episode I caught was how to repurpose old sweaters, and how to make garden chaps...I know!...I was really excited!! Talk about sewing green...this show is a must see for all of you that love to sew green! Plus, the hostess of the show was sewing on an industrial Singer very much like the one I use!! So you see, this show has all kinds of things that got me excited! I plan on trying some of the projects from the show, so I will keep you posted.

Oh...another one of my projects is to make a soft doll and doll clothes for my GBaby Lily. I have everything I need to get started, so hopefully I can post photos soon. I have never made soft dolls before, but I am intrigued by how to make them and how they many different kinds with so many different looks!

It has been a while since I have done embroidery and I am thinking the doll project will help me get back into embroidery. I have been missing it. Again...all sorts of projects in my sewing room that require embroidery!!

The weather has been really nice the past few days, but it looks like we are in for another freezing spell for the rest of the week...maybe even snow! I am not a fan of the cold or snow, but I like the fact that it is the best quilting weather!!

That's it for now! What are you working on this winter? Have you finished any quilts in 2011?? Post comments to me with the links where your quilt or embroidery projects reside!! I love to look at your work!!

Happy Sewing and Quilting!

GBaby Lily dressed to party!!