Well, we have had a busy couple of weeks! We have been babysitting our GBaby Lily quite a bit, and she is so entertaining to watch!! She is crawling and pulling up, so I imagine she will be walking before we know it. We had some friends from Austin come stay with us last night and it was really good to see them...they are expecting a baby boy in December...yes, another baby quilt will be forthcoming for that big event!

This past week I got back to applequeing on my Pirate Quilt...which has been sorely neglected these past months. I am on the final block...the Pirate himself...and am getting pretty excited about how he is turning out. Not sure exactly when the quilt itself will be finished...slowly I quilt...stitch by stitch...!!

BTW...I have a 1937 Singer Featherweight 221 that I am putting up for sale on EBay next week...if you have an interest in it, please post a comment and I will send you more photos. The going price is $275 + S&H. (See photo at the top of this post) The machine works great!
Have a great weekend and Happy Quilting and Sewing!! :)
P.S. -- Here is a little something to make you smile!!