
Scrappy Quilting and the Eclipse

 Happy almost May!

I'm sitting here wondering how it's nearly May already. I've been busy with work, grandkids, Easter, quilting, and a few health issues. Time flies! 

How about that eclipse? Were you able to witness it? I was outside taking photos (see below) the whole time and chatting with my neighbor. It was a nice break during the middle of a work day.

Eclipse 2024

Eclipse 2024

The day after the eclipse I had an out-of-town (sort of) work conference. The conference wasn't that far away, but I booked a hotel room for myself to avoid commuting an hour plus each way in traffic. So much easier!

My body has decided to act its age and I have encountered a few health issues lately but am working on getting them sorted out. They did take me down for a few weeks though. I went to a few of my grandsons' baseball games and that was a lot of fun. Easter morning I spent with my oldest daughter, son-in-law, and my grandsons at church, which was very nice.

Easter photo with my growing grandsons!

And, I have been working on a few quilts too. I've always wanted to try the quilt-as-you-go (QAYG) technique, so I made a quilt and now I'm making another one! The process was a lot of fun and the quilts come together so quickly. 

For the second QAYG quilt that I'm working on, I must confess that I cheated and bought precut quilt batting from Missouri Star Quilt Company -- which by the way, is making the second quilt go way faster. I've got nearly all the blocks finished and ready to assemble the quilt. I did run out of backing fabric (I know what you are thinking -- What?! You own so much fabric, how could you possibly run out?) and had to order more to complete the last few blocks, so I'm waiting (ever so impatiently). 

The first QAYG quilt that I did is a scrappy string lap quilt made from 10" blocks. The second one that I'm working on is the same but with 6" blocks. I'm keeping the first quilt for myself and have no idea what I'm doing with the second quilt!

The front of my scrappy string QAYG quilt

The back of my scrappy string QAYG quilt

I have also been interested in making a crumb quilt (with my bazillion scraps), so I've started working on crumb blocks and have about 6 10" blocks made already (yes, photos are coming). Such a great way to use up scraps! Between all the scrappy blocks and quilts, I may not have any scraps left...LOL! 

The next type of quilt I'm interested in making is a Duckworth quilt. Have you heard of those? I feel like I must make one because my maiden name is Duckworth! They are named after Jo Ann Merrill-Duckworth who came up with this technique. I'll obviously need more scraps for a Duckworth quilt! 😁

My latest embroidery is coming along and should finish it up this week. It's from a kit that my youngest daughter gave me for Christmas and when I'm done she wants it. (Is that re-gifting or just buying something for yourself? I'm unsure.) Anyway, I'll be glad to move on with another embroidery project and have been studying up on new stitches to try out.

I think that's it for now. More to come.

Happy Quilting, Embroidery, and Sewing!


February Blues

It's February and I have the blues,

Oh, February, you tricky little month, always bringing a whirlwind of emotions my way! Last year, I bid farewell to Mom (can you believe it's been a whole year already?), and 12 years ago, I lost my dear hubby. So, you see, February's like an emotional rollercoaster for me. And don't even get me started on Valentine's Day... SMH! Honestly, I usually treat it like any other day. Not that I'm anti-love or anything, just not big on the whole shebang. But hey, I reckon some of you can relate, right?

Now, let's rewind to October through January, when work had me doing the hustle and bustle, clocking in those 70-plus-hour weeks! Phew! But amidst the chaos, I snuck in some "me" time, working on some projects. Tell me, who else finds solace in quilting and embroidery? There's just something about the rhythm of needle and thread that soothes the soul, am I right?

I finished a springtime embroidery piece (ignore the cat hair). This is from The French Needle.
These are some of my string blocks, which I now have finished, and just need to put together for a quilt.
Current wall hanging I'm working on. I actually started this after Christmas, which means it should be done by next Christmas, right?
My current embroidery piece. This is going to take a while!

I made this cute little fall table runner. I found the idea on Pinterest somewhere.
Such a fun, relaxing little project.

Oh, and speaking of life's crazy ride, my eldest grandson, Hudson, turned 10 in January! Time's sprinting by faster than Usain Bolt, I swear. And my "baby" grandson? He's turning 6 soon, and I'm still in disbelief... Wasn't he just a tiny bundle yesterday? And brace yourselves, folks, 'cause come fall, my oldest granddaughter, Lilly (yes, Baby Lilly), is off to high school! Yup, time's playing some serious tricks on us.

Now, onto brighter horizons! Summer's coming, and guess who's packing her bags for Scotland? Yours truly! I'm practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. It's an Outlander trip, so we will visit some of the places in the show Outlander. And guess what? I got so carried away, I signed up for an Ireland escapade next year! Call it my older-than-midlife crisis, but I've decided to trade in my recliner for some passport stamps. Italy, Switzerland, and a sprinkle of other dreamy destinations are on my radar too. Oh, and let's not forget Hawaii again, 'cause who can resist those sunny shores?

I'm thankful that February is a short month! I am looking forward to attending the Dallas Quilt Show in a little over a month and until then I'll work on my projects and reflect on my husband and Mom, thankful they were a part of my life, and dream about Scotland.

Happy Sewing, Quilting, and Embroidering!


Happy Friday!

Happy Friday Everyone!

Fridays are always great for me! Off work for the weekend and time to quilt and embroider.

I'm off to Denver in a couple of weeks for a small family reunion with my cousins. I'm so excited to be traveling somewhere again and excited to see my cousins. I haven't seen them for several years. I had a trip planned and then COVID hit, so it's been a while. I also can't wait to go to a cooler climate! It's still a million degrees here in the Lone Star State and I'm waiting for summer to be done with. Maybe next month? Who knows?

I have finished a quilt top (photos soon) and started on an autumn quilt 🍁(did I mention that I'm tired of summer?). I cut a few of the pieces wrong and had to order more fabric, so I'm waiting on that (not patiently) to come in. Yes, even after all these years of quilting, I still manage to screw up! But once the new fabric arrives, I can finish my autumn quilt and hang it up (because I'm claiming it as my own).

I've also been embroidering like a mad woman trying to get a few things for Christmas 🎄 gifts done (photos below). One of the kits I really enjoyed, while the other kit was on fabric that I really did not like at all. I had to switch to a smaller needle on that one and threading a small needle was quite frustrating. My eyes are better, but apparently not good enough to thread small needles anymore. Anyway, I finished that one and decided it will get incorporated into a quilt or a quilted wall hanging at least.

This is the one with the fabric I did not like.

This kit I really enjoyed working on!

As I mentioned before, I finished a quilt top, which I think turned out pretty well. Is it quilted yet? Why no, it is not. And here's why. When I moved last year, I inadvertently got rid of the giant cardboard I had to baste larger quilts (this one is 42 x 60) on my bed. So, now I'm looking around 👀 for a large box (like water heater or refrigerator size) to cut and use or something that will work as well. In the meanwhile, I have nowhere to baste my quilt. I mean, yeah, there is the floor, but if I get down there, I'll never get back up! LOL! 😂 The autumn quilt is much smaller so I shouldn't have an issue basting that one on the dining room table.

My middle grandson is turning 8 (!!!😳) next week, so next weekend I'll be at his birthday party. And also Miss Lilly turns 14 (!!!!!😳) next week! I really don't know how she's turning 14 when I feel like she was just born! My oldest daughter just turned 40 and my youngest turned 38...now I really feel old!

Well, that's about it for now. I plan on going to some quilt shops in the Denver/Boulder area when I'm there. I should have plenty of time to shop! (Don't tell my wallet!)

Happy Quilting, Sewing, and Embroidering!


Another Vacation and Another Quilt

Hi Folks!

You read the blog title right! I took another vacation this summer because I'm all about "me" time. 

Last month I went to visit a friend in the Aloha state of Hawaii and it was amazing! I'd never been before and I'm so glad I went and was very happy that I got to visit my longtime friend, who I hadn't seen for several years. 

Note to self - next time I'll pay extra for a direct flight! Yes, it is a very long flight from Texas and it took several days to recover when I returned. Whew!

There was a small tropical storm when I was in Hawaii, but all was well and it turned out not to be too bad. It gave my friend and I a chance to stay inside and talk and drink wine...of course. 

I shopped and shopped but unfortunately didn't make it to any of the fabric stores that I had planned on visiting. Next time! I did pay a visit to the Pearl Factory where I got to pick out oysters and see what pearls were inside. Of course, several pieces of jewelry later, I had to stop myself! It was a lot of fun and I would definitely do it again.

I went on a dinner cruise on the Star of Honolulu by myself (it was wonderful) and on a tour of Kualoa Ranch where they film a lot of movies (Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, 50 First Dates) and shows (Lost, Magnum PI). Both were affordable excursions and well worth it!  I also treated myself to a massage. If you've never been to the islands, just go!

Below are a few photos of the many that I took.

Waikiki Beach

Me on my dinner cruise

Where they filmed Jurassic World!

Kualoa Ranch

The views were stunning!

I also finished a quilted wall hanging just in time to gift it to my friend in Hawaii and she absolutely loved it! It is based on a quilted wall hanging from Karen Eckmeier's book "Accidental Landscapes", which is one of my favorites. Somehow I wound up with 2 copies of it!

And now, I'm back at work just dreaming about returning back to Hawaii one day. I still need to download the photos from my camera, which hopefully I'll get to this weekend. 

I started a little embroidery project while I was traveling and am hoping to get that done soon to share with you. Meanwhile, I haven't finished the bigger embroidery project that I was working fast and furious on, but I'll get to it.

The current quilt project that I'm working on is a lap quilt with a beach theme that my friend in Hawaii requested. Since she loved the wall hanging so much, she wanted a quilt she could cuddle under while watching TV in the evenings. Photos to come soon!

All my grandkids started school today and it's still 106 degrees here! I'm so looking forward to Fall and cooler weather. I think all of my trees and plants are too! 

I had both granddaughters over last weekend and let me tell you, they are growing like weeds. Leylia is almost 14 now and Mia is 9! Hard to believe.

Well, that's it for today.

Aloha and Happy Quilting, Embroidering, and Sewing!

Foamy Mai Tai at Monkey Pod restaurant. I highly recommend!


Vacation and a Quilt Show

Hi Everyone!

It's been a busy couple of months for me! Whew! And next week I'm going on vacation for the first time since before COVID! 

I'm so excited because: 1) I'll be off work 2) I'm going to the AQS Quilt Show in Paducah, Kentucky!!! (Can you hear me screaming!

I've never been to this quilt show before and I'm thrilled that I will be going. I've wanted to go for many, many years but haven't had the opportunity. So, a friend of mine, who is actually building a house in Kentucky, and I are driving out for a fun-filled week of beautiful quilts and scenery. I have traveled to Kentucky before and I know it's beautiful out there. I also found out that another quilting friend of mine and her sister will be there. I always look forward to seeing her at quilt shows and missed her at the Dallas Quilt Show this year.

After losing my mom in February, and renovating my kitchen (yes, it's done!) I need this break to get away from my life for a minute. I don't know what my kitty, Miss Tilly, will think of me being gone and ignoring her for a week, but I'm sure she'll get over it. Don't worry, my daughter will be giving her plenty of treats while I'm away!

Speaking of my kitchen, here are some before and after photos. You can see why it needed redoing! Also, the corner banquette is my favorite new spot in the house now. I absolutely love it! My kitchen even feels bigger now (I mean...it's not, but it sure does feel like it!).



My favorite spot!

Well, I'm off to do laundry to get ready for my travels! If you see me in Paducah, please say Hi! 

Me (not the best picture, I know! But you get the idea). If you see me, say Hi!

I'm thinking about taking my actual camera (not just my phone!) on my vacation to take good photos of all the beautiful quilts. I know AQS will post the winning photos on their website, but I'll be taking photos of as many quilts (winning and non-winning, but winners in my book) as I can.

Oh...one more thing, I've been working hard on my sewing room and it's almost ready! Photos after vacation!

Oh...and another thing, I finished the spring embroidery (photo coming soon...I promise!) I was working on and have another embroidery in the works!

Happy Sewing, Quilting, and Embroidery, and Happy Vacation to me!


Farewell February and Hello Spring!

Hi All,

It's been a bit since my last post but with good reason. February is not a great month for me to begin with, since it's the month my dear husband passed away. Then sadly my mom passed away a few weeks ago in February, so doubly hard for me. 

I miss my mom. She was 98, almost 99, years old. But it doesn't matter how old your mom is, she's always your mom. I miss her dry sense of humor! Mom had Alzheimer's but always kept her very dry sense of humor, which I loved...and I may or may not have the same sense of humor (okay, I do)! She lived her last 10 years in a nursing home nearby and was well taken care of (which is saying something). I visited her often and whenever I attended quilt shows would take lots of photos and show them to her. She really enjoyed looking at all the pretty quilt photos. My love of quilting and embroidery came from her mother, my grandmother, who was a talented quilter and embroiderer. I'm a bit lost without my mom.

My sweet mom. Love you, Mom!
I arranged her celebration of life and we had that last weekend. I'm grieving but moving forward with a lot of things, like my kitchen renovation, which is nearly done! I've been without a kitchen for a month now and I will be excited to get my kitchen back next week! So, to say February was a difficult month is an understatement! Good riddance to February and hello spring! I need some flowers and light in my life right now.

Speaking of flowers...I'm still (yes, still) working on my spring embroidery piece. Because of the things in my life that happened last month, I didn't work on it as much. And I'm a little afraid of doing the bunny on this piece, mainly because I haven't quite decided on which stitch to use. The pattern indicates thread painting, which I have discovered I love the look of, but really hate doing, so switching it up a bit. I'm considering the turkey work stitch...but not sure yet.

I'm also excited that today my oldest granddaughter Lilly (how is she 13 already?)is getting her first sewing machine! I talked with her mom the other day about which one to get for her and she is getting a Brother sewing machine! Personally, I'm on a Janome kick now but used Brother machines for many years. Lilly loves to piece together outfits and wants to sew her own. I can't wait to give her sewing lessons!

My sewing room organization got put on hold because of...well, life... but it's getting back on track now. I have a storage unit put together and in the room and just have to take all the fabric out of bins and load up the storage unit (WHEW!). More to come! Once it's done, I'm back to quilting with embroidery in the evenings. I ordered some new fabric (like I need more!) from Keepsake Quilting and it should be here tomorrow. I call it my motivation for finishing my sewing room! HA!

Well, that's it for now! I hope Spring is kinder than February was!

Happy Quilting, Sewing, and Embroidering!


Christmas is a Wrap and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and is enjoying 2023. I mean, I know it's only day 3 of the new year, but here's to a great year!

We had a nice family Christmas on Christmas Eve and then I had Christmas Day dinner at a dear friend's house. I had a quiet week off work and now it's back to the daily grind.

I am making progress in organizing my sewing room! Not quite finished yet...but I'll get there! Christmas decorations are all put away and I'm working on purging some stuff (more stuff)out of the house.

I did finally finish the embroidery piece I was working on (yay!) and have started a new one with a spring theme (I'll keep you posted). Photos are below. I used some metallic threads for some extra shine in the piece but I'm not quite sure you can see the shiny bits in the photos. Metallic threads are not easy to work with, however, I do love the effect they provide.

Latest embroidery piece!

The kit is from The French Needle and below is a photo of the kit. As you can see, I added my own flair to the piece, which I am prone to do with most pieces. I actually bought 2 of these kits, so maybe for the next one I'll stick to the color scheme in the kit...or not!

Embroidery kit from The French Needle

That's it for now. I'll be back later with more updates.

Happy Sewing, Quilting, and Embroidering!

Cheers to the New Year!