What's on your sewing table? That's the question of the day. Seems like I always have something on the sewing table...usually more than one something! Sometimes it's a new project, sometimes it's a UFO...more often than not it's a UFO (a.k.a.,unfinished project)! I hate to admit it, but my unfinished projects are numerous, and one day... in a galaxy far, far away...I will finish them all! HA!
So, despite all of the unfinished projects, I have a new project on my sewing table this week. In my last post I mentioned it..."a wall hanging kit I bought way back in 2003, and it is a garden scene." I have been sewing all of the squares together for the "back" of the scene, and once that is completed, I can begin the fun part of appliqueing all of the decorative items to it...tree, leaves, flowers, etc. As I mentioned in my last post, I am pretty excited about this project, which is a good thing, since I don't get too excited about much lately (except my grandchildren).
I was mentioning this project to a friend of mine and she said, "That's great!", and then asked, "Do you have a place to hang it?". Uh...are you supposed to have a place to hang wall hangings before you make them??!! Hmm...I had not considered that! Thoughts? Should you make something you like and then figure out what to do with it, or just make it and worry about it later? I guess I am so used to giving most everything I make away, that it just never even occurred to me that I have absolutely no where to hang a large wall hanging! Oh well...all of my problems should be so small!
So, what's on your sewing table? Anything exciting? Here is a photo of what's on my sewing table!
On my Sewing Table |
Happy Sewing and Quilting!
Once again, it's been quite a while since my last post! But in my defense, I've been a little busy with the arrival of 2 new grand babies in January...2 days apart! Yes, you heard correctly...they were born just 2 days apart. I have a handsome grandson and another beautiful granddaughter, and couldn't be more thrilled. Our little Lily is thrilled to have a baby sister too. Hahaha...after Miabella was born, all Lily could say is "She came out!" She is such a cutie, and already 4-1/2 years old!
Handsome Hudson |
Beautiful Miabella |
Of course, I was super busy making baby blankets, quilts, burp cloths, and pee pee tepees (http://sewmakeplay.com/2013/01/09/how-to-make-a-pee-pee-teepee/) before they were born! And since their arrival, I have been busy being Nana! The babies have been great for me, and have given me added motivation to sew and quilt again. It's been tough since hubby passed away just over 2 years ago (and it seems like yesterday), so having all of our children and grandchildren nearby has been such a blessing. This is my New Life! :)
Springtime has sprung! And of course, that is added motivation to bring out the bright pretty fabric to work with! The project on my work table right now is a wall hanging kit I bought way back in 2003 (I know what you are thinking!) and it is a garden scene. I was pretty excited when I bought it, and during re-organization of my sewing room a few weeks ago, I ran across it and got excited all over again! So, I actually started on it! I promise photos will be coming!
I did manage to finish a small farm scene wall hanging to send to my mother...now if I could just manage to get down to the post office to send it off...! I used Karen Eckmeier's (http://www.kareneckmeier.com/) applique technique for it, which is one I just love! Mom grew up on a farm and loves farm scenes, so I thought it would be cute hanging on her wall...when I actually send it!
Farm Scene-Unfinished |
The Dallas Quilt Show was in March, and I attended as I do every year. I have yet to download the photos I took, but just bought a new computer, so I will be doing that this week. My old computer was a 2005 model and bit the dust. :( Oh well, I really like my new one, but am still figuring some things out on it. So, it looks like I just have a whole lot of catching up to do!
Well, gotta run. More later...with photos...I promise!
Happy Sewing & Quilting!
Big Sister Miss Lily |