Happy Tuesday to everyone!
Well, I am making some headway on my Pirate Quilt! (Photos coming soon) I finished the Kracken block and am working on the final block...the Pirate...aaarrrrgghh!! I was looking through my stash for the perfect fabric for the Pirate's face and arms...think, tan! Anyway, after much searching and coming up with nothing (yeah...I know...hard to believe) I decided to take a piece of unbleached muslin and tea dye it to come up with something that would work, and it turned out great! I used hot water, tea bag, bowl and fabric. Put the fabric in the bowl with hot water and one tea bag and let is soak for a couple of hours, then rinsed it with cold water and dryed it in the dryer to heat set and voila...tan fabric! This will make great "skin" for my Pirate and I was so excited that it didn't cost anything but a tea bag to get!
So this got me to thinking about using other natural berries, plants, etc for dying fabric...hmmmm...lots of things stain fabric....hmmmm. Then I decided to research the subject, because, let's face it, we need to do all that we can to save money in this hard economy! Anyway, I found this website http://www.pioneerthinking.com/naturaldyes.html and it explains not only how to dye fabric from natural plants, but which plants produce certain shades of color! Now, I have never been much into dying my own fabric, but all of a sudden I find the whole concept rather exciting, especially if I can use natural plants and berries to dye fabric with! I'm not talking about bolts of fabric, but smaller pieces...say fat quarters...when you can't find that exact color that you are looking for. And, bonus...this can be done in your own kitchen with things you probably already have! How much more economical does it get?! I believe this definitely warrants some more experimentation on my part. Have you tried dying fabric before? What were your results? I would love to know!
Oh yes, and I am also working on...finally...a quilt for myself!! I made the top a couple of years ago, so it's about time to finish it. We have had such a cold winter here that I have been using hubby's quilt and thinking, "hmmm...I wish I had my own quilt to use instead of using his quilt all the time!" And then I thought, "hey, I can have my own quilt! All I have to do is take a finished quilt top and quilt it, then I will have one for myself!" So, I have started quilting it! Yep...photos to come shortly!
Have a great day, and Happy Sewing and Quilting!!
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