
Sew Early

Wow! Can't believe we were up at 5:00 a.m. this morning! Hubby and I got up, dressed and ran over to the IHOP to eat an early breakfast...no reason to be up that early, just were. Being currently unemployed, we have gotten used to sleeping in every day, so today was unusual. But, I am hoping to get a lot more done today...we shall see.

I have been going through my fabric stash, mostly trying to get it organized into my new plastic drawer system, but it is a good idea to periodically just sort through your stash just as a reminder of all of the wonderful fabrics you have. I always think I have a "fabric inventory" in my head, but I tend to forget those pieces that I buy at shows or shops or get from friends. It is fun to rediscover your fabric too! I was also going through my scrap bin (which is now just a large laundry basket under my cutting table) and cutting 5" squares out of the larger scraps. These 5" squares are commonly referred to as "charm squares" or just "charms". Knowing that I want to make more baby charm quilts, I was mostly cutting up fabric appropriate for baby quilts, but you can cut charm squares out of any scrap fabric. Then when you are ready to make a quilt in a hurry, you can skip the cutting part all together, because you have already done it! Plus, it is a great way to save your bigger scraps and have them ready to go. I will make a second pass through my scrap bin and look for scraps suitable to cut into 2" strips and also smaller squares. This will make other projects easier as well.

Well, it's 6:30 a.m. and I need to get cracking if I am going to get a lot accomplished today! Have fun going through your fabric stash and Happy Quilting!


Quilt in a Hurry!

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Just found out last night that I have a new deadline on finishing my friend's baby quilt...the week of Thanksgiving!! (gulp!) She gave it to me to finish for her...as she is traveling a lot now...so I said I would. Well, the baby was born last night and the quilt will be taken out to new baby in early December. Part of the quilt is being hand quilted...slower going...and part of it machine quilted. Worked on the hand quilting last night and found that it is going faster than I ever thought it would...but will have to work on it every day from now until it's finished.

Bought some purse handles today and am thinking of making some quilted purses to sell online. A friend of mine told me about http://www.etsy.com/ and it looks like selling on etsy, as well as EBay might bring more success. Worth a try!

Another beautiful day here! Hubby and I ran errands and ate at our favorite seafood place for lunch...$4.95 lunch special...best catfish I have ever had!! YUM!

Well...off to the sewing room! Hoping to see our beautiful granddaughter this week...hard to believe she will be 1 month old tomorrow!! They grow up so fast! :)



Vacation at the Coast

Ahhh...I just love the coast! Hubby and I went down to the Texas Coast for a few days last week and it was so refreshing for several reasons. First of all, just getting out of town and road tripping is great fun! Second, we just love to go down to the coast and breathe in that salt air...third, it was such a nice change of pace for us! It is always good to get home, but going on a road trip is a great adventure. We visited some really cool places too!

Okay...I admit I did find a nice little quilt shop along the way, so naturally that made the trip way more fun for me! I knew there was a quilt shop in Rockport, TX, http://www.quiltscapes.com/  but had never been to it (saw it online) and when we drove right past it, I knew we had to go back and give it a look! Of course I bought some fabric (you knew I just had to!). But, it was nice nautical and tropical fabric and I had not ever seen it before. The ladies in the shop were extremely nice and I definitely plan on going back the next time we head down that way!

Another interesting place we toured was the Fulton Mansion http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/findadest/parks/fulton_mansion/hist.phtml. It is an old Victorian mansion that has been restored and it was so much fun to tour. I took lots of photos because a new quilt idea it cooking in my head...can you guess??!!
The Fulton Mansion

The floors in the mansion reminded me of a quilt pattern!

Oh...and we also saw a replica of the Nina down at Corpus Christi, TX. This is a great reference for my pirate quilt (which is still in progress). I took a lot of photos of this beautiful ship! http://www.corpuschristidaily.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2817
Hubby sitting near the water at Corpus Christi.
We also went to the Texas Maritime Museum in Rockport, TX. http://www.texasmaritimemuseum.org/ They are currently part of the La Belle Expedition find (La Salle's ship). Of course, I took lots more photos...I have more quilt ideas cooking!! :)
Well, back to the sewing room where I have to sort out my new fabric!

Happy Quilting!!


Making a Quilt Sandwich

Hello and Happy Friday!

Sorry I have been absent for a few days, but have been quilting and then sick...bummer. Yes, I have actually been quilting...and finished a quilt for our little Lilly.
While I was making Lilly's quilt, I got to thinking about tips for making a quilt sandwich. For those of you new to quilting...the quilt sandwich is the finished quilt top with the batting in the middle and the backing. All of this gets basted together for quilting. This may seem like a very tedious step to some (and I know sometimes it seems very tedious to me), but putting the quilt sandwich together properly is very important in the overall process of quilting. Thinking back to some of the very puckered or saggy quilts I have seen in my time...not a pretty sight! If they had only taken the time to put the quilt sandwich together properly, those puckers and sags could have been avoided.

Example of a very puckered quilt back!!!

So I took some photos when I was basting the baby quilt for Lilly and hope this helps avoid those puckers and sags!

First, and probably most important is to lay your quilt back down (right side down), smooth it out (make sure to press first), and then tape it down tightly. I tend to use the seamstress (sewing) boards for laying out my quilt sandwich. These are made out of thick cardboard (more details on why in a minute) and prevent damage to whatever other surface (such as a table) they are covering. Purchase these at any JoAnns, Hancocks, Hobby Lobby or other craft or sewing store...they are about $10 each. (Tip: to lay out a queen size quilt, you will need 2 boards).

I use painters tape (green or blue) to tightly tape the back down to the board. Painters tape can be purchased at Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot or anywhere that sells paint. I use painters tape because it won't damage the surface, or take the paper off of the cardboard. In fact, I use painters tape for lots of things in my sewing room!! It doesn't leave any sticky residue, even if it stays on for a long time.

Next, lay out the batting on top of the quilt back. Make sure to smooth the batting out from the middle to the sides. Get the batting as smooth as possible...this is very important! (Tip: unroll the batting and lay it out to "rest" for a day or so before making the quilt sandwich. This will get a lot of the crinkles and wrinkles out of it for easier smoothing. The batting can also be put in the dryer for a few minutes to smooth out the wrinkles a bit.)

When you cut the batting, be sure to leave 2-4 inches more than the size of the quilt top and back. As the quilt is quilted the batting will shrink up some, so you want plenty of extra.

If the quilt is to be machine quilted, pin basting is the easier and better choice. For hand quilting, always thread baste the quilt. Start basting (pin or thread) in the middle of the quilt and baste toward the edges.

Make sure pins are at least a handwidth apart or less. Some quilters use the three finger rule: basting pins or stiches must be no more than 3 fingers apart.

When you are done basting, remove the tape from the quilt back and go quilt! Remember to remove the basting pins as you quilt. If hand quilting, the basting thread can remain in the quilt until you are finished quilting, or it can be snipped as you quilt.

I hope these instructions for the quilt sandwich have helped you! Happy Quilting!!


Back to Quilting!

Ah, at last, I am feeling better and am about to return to my quilting!! Yippee! Just checked the pollen count and forecast though and had better get cracking...the pollen count is about to go back up over the next couple of days...so I am making hay while the sun shines (except it's not shining today).

Took more photos of completed blocks from the Pirate Quilt (working title only), so you could see them. Working on the skull/cross bones block currently (no photo yet). Enjoy!

I changed this block up just a bit and added the yellow circle to the middle, simply because I didn't like the look of it before I added the yellow circle.

The telescope block...hmmmm...still think it looks lackluster and needs something else?! Any thoughts?
BTW... The gray behind the block is my felt board. Hubby made it for me by using adhesive spray to stick the gray felt to a large piece of cardboard (like a cut up cardboard box for a water heater or other large piece of cardboard). He actually made me two of these boards and as soon as the sewing room gets organized (poof...) the boards will get hung on the wall to serve as my "block board".
Added an extra palm tree to the "X marks the spot" block because it didn't look balanced enough. I am happy with it now!
Quilt a friend of mine started and gave to me to finish. Just got it yesterday, so haven't started on it yet, but will this week. As you can see from the photo, she has started the quilting.
Rows of the quilt started for baby Lilly. Making her a scrap quilt with flannel and cotton 5" squares. These are such simple, easy quilts to make! Made one for a friend a few months ago and made the whole quilt, start to finish, in one week!
Here's how: Sew seven 5" blocks together to form a row; make 9 rows; sew 9 rows together for the top (making sure to press seams as you go). Pick out a cute back (I love the wide back fabric!!), make the quilt sandwich; quilt (x pattern); bind. This makes a nice size baby quilt and you can include squares of different materials for baby's tactile senses...cotton, flannel, minkee, silk, satin...etc.


Up Late

Once again, I find myself apologizing for not posting anything over that past few days, but it seems the annual winter allergies have hit me hard and early this year. Hubby went out and bought, I think, the whole allergy relief aisle at the store! I have been taking everything that says it decongests, relieves coughing and unstuffs noses...as well as doing some extra snoozing.

As you might have assumed by now, not much sewing has been going on over here in the past few days! And your assumption would be correct. We did have the great fortune to be able to go over and visit our baby Lilly before the allergy onslaught...we actually got to babysit her! Changed a couple of diapers (nope...you never forget how) and spend some quality time with her. I miss her dearly...and it's only been a few days.

BTW...it is nearly 2:00 a.m. here and I can't sleep, so I thought I would catch up on my blog!

Where was I?...Oh yes, so we got to see our sweet Lilly. Before we went over to see her, I started a scrap quilt for her. The top is nearly finished, and once I get back in my sewing room it should go pretty quickly. Her mom requested some more burp cloths with the Minkee in the middle, so I will sew some more of those up for her too. (photos forthcoming)

I have several ideas for new quilts, so I have decided to keep a "quilt journal" of sorts. Just a blank book where I scribble my ideas, paste photos and things for ideas. I think that is a good place to start, and will help me to organize my thoughts and ideas a bit better. Getting my sewing room organized is also something that will help...and yep, it is on my "to do" list!

Well, I believe I will try to sleep a bit now. Good night!

(P.S. - If you are reading my blog, please let me know...thanks!)


More Toys!

Well, I said I would let you know how my new photo printer works...but I can't right now. Last night we took the printer out of the box, read the instructions, plugged everything up and it wouldn't print! Problem was that my digital camera is several years old and won't sinc with the printer...SO...hubby and I promptly went out and bought an upgraded digital camera! We are in the process of learning how to work the camera, so we can shoot photos, so we can test the photo printer! Whew! Makes me tired just thinking about it all! Anyway, the new camera should take WAY better photos...which makes me excited, because I have a new grandbaby to take pics of!

Okay...okay...I will settle down for a minute. No quilting yesterday...what with all of the new toys and trips to the store. But I have quilted some this morning and will go back to it in a minute. I think I forgot to mention that I am working on quilted wall hangings for both of my daughters. I am done with one, and will finish the other one...hopefully, today. My new camera will get broken in taking photos of the wallhangings and the other Pirate Quilt blocks.

Probably won't get to go over and see our little Lilly baby until tomorrow, so no new photos of her for now.

Ideas for new quilts are simmering around in my head and I am collecting things for them. I will share my ideas in a later post, because the ideas need to simmer a bit more. Being unemployed sure does bring out my creative side!

Later my friends...quilting time! Sew, get to sewing!!

Okay...I don't want to disappoint anyone, so here is a photo for you...this is the wallhanging I made for baby Lilly. Photo taken at her baby shower...her dad is holding the wallhanging. I just love this Fairy fabric. You can get it at http://www.keepsakequilting.com/